Since Halloween is gone there wasn't anything new here! I started my very first part-time work, so sadly I don't have much of free time. But yesterday I finally found some leisure time and I made just a quick project I was laying aside a while.
I made a cute fluffy tail charm on a bag.
I know that it's not a novelty and there are many things like that in almost every fashion shop...outland. Here in Slovakia I didn't find anything like that.
When I mentioned, that I'm searching for something like that in front of my grandma, she told me she has many fur things in the cellar.
So I got my cute, fluffy, soft tail! I do better not think about what it is from and if it was alive before. Sometimes unknowing is the best thing! ˘__˘
I took some ribbons for a bow and pearls,
Making the bow...
...adding pearls,
and sew it on the tail.
Take this thing (I know my vocabulary is perfect! x) )
and sew it between two leather parts.
Tadaaa! Quick, cute an easy! ^__^ I think I love it! He definitely needs a name! He has character! xD
Now I just need some new bags!
Thank you for reading! HUGS!! <3
Aj ja som si chcela ochvostiť kabelku! A ono mali také chvosty aj v dákom New Yorkeri či tak niekde, no vôbec nevyzerali pekne, boli dáke vypelichané! :(
OdpovedaťOdstrániťA vyrobiť si vlastný chvost ma teda nenapadlo, hoci teraz, keď tak nad tým rozmýšľam, tatino je poľovník a kedysi dávno-pradávno maminke zbieral líščie kožušiny na kabát, takže dáky chvost by sa našiel, len to by som vedela, že je to skutočný líščí chvost a neviem, neviem, či by sa mi to páčilo - ako si povedala, niekedy je lepšie nevedieť :D
Juuuuuuu to je úplne superchutná vec :) úplne som sa do nej zamilovala :D aj ja si chcem ochvostíkovať tašku asi využijem tvoj návod :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťjeeeej ďakujem vám dievčatá ^^ strašne sa teším že sa vám môj nápad páči! (a aj napriek milión chybám ste porozumeli čo som chcela napísať Cx) dúfam že svoje čo najskôr zrealizujete a najbližší meet bude a lá chvostíkové kabelky xD
OdpovedaťOdstrániťDada a presne! bolo to v NewYorkery a strašne boli ohavné...
Môj má inak už aj meno~ zoznámte sa s Fredericom! xD
Áno, chcem tematický loli míting na tému chvostíková kabelka! :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťputting a bow on the tail has got to be the cutest idea ever!
aaaw! ^^ thank you very much Lindsey!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťAh! The tail looks so much cuter and special with this super cute ribbon!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLovely idea!
Yay! thank you Tetsu! ^^ I put ribbons almost everywhere, so also my tail charm can't stand out xD