pondelok 22. augusta 2011

The new beginning

I didn't even started and I ended bloging. I had so many plans, so much joy, I thought bloging will push me forward... But all my gladness ruined all those senseless fears. Like: nobody will be reading it, that nobody will like it, that my english is so bad that i can not make even a simple sentence, that I cannot make an interesting article, and so on...How could somebody like ME write an blog? That does not make any sense!
But, about month ago, I finally told my self: Well, you want a blog, you made a blog, you were preparing for it so much SO WHY NOT?! how many people do the same and english is also not their mother language, they do what they want although it's not perfect all the time.
Do what you want, what makes sense to you. Your blog doesn't need to be most popular, it can be just for you.
Yes, and after long discussion with myself I'm here again! xD
From last time so many things has changed. Of course I will start from the beginning! ^^ 
In February I got my first brand item ~> Baby The Stars Shine Bright skirt Sweet fruits a la mode (I think is the name) 

I was so happy! And still I am of course. I wanted to have my first brand item from Baby because of Kamikaze girls...I know, it's SO original. But it was really KG what made me (about 3 years ago) take more interest on lolita fashion. 
In March, I got to know one lolita friend and we decided to "wake up" our lolitas here in Slovakia and she made (on Facebook...LiveJournal too complicated! x) ) the Slovak lolita community! So glad! 
In Mai we had our first meet up! We were 7 lolitas: 

I wore my Baby skirt and I went more to casual style. One more photo ^^ : 

In June I ordered new JSK ~> Angelic Pretty Lyrical Bunny in pink! ^^ So happy again!
I wore it for my aunt's wedding and one week later for ILD picnic ^^ I know that wearing lolita to occasions like weddings, funeral etc. is strange, but I didn't mean it like lolita that time (I didn't have any blouse and socks!), just like an fancy super unique dress like any other. 
ILD picnic (which wasn't at right time, but about 3 week later xD ) was absolutely great! I liked it even more than our 1st meet up. Here is photo ^^ :

 That day we were only four lolitas. But it was awesome anyways! One more my solo photo: 

 Last thing happened lately was my new Bodyline purchase and it was SoftCream skirt in blue. I haven't had a chance to wear it yet. Here is it: 

I think that's all. Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it and you were able to understand it! xD oh, my poor english T__T 
See you next time! Take care! <3 ^^

1 komentár:

  1. Glad you starting allover again. I'll be watchin ;)

